Biggs Budget Plan

Our budget plan is a 10-month plan and runs from August through May.

The following requirements apply:

  • Customer must be on our Automatic Delivery Plan
  • Customer must start with a FULL tank, and a ZERO balance.
  • Must have an Approved credit application on file.
  • Customer makes ten monthly payments.
  • Payments are due the first week of every month.
  • Biggs Fuel Co. delivers fuel to customer on an automatic basis as long as payments are made on time.
  • Customer gets discounted price (15 cents per gallon at end of budget season) if all budget payments have been made in a timely fashion.

Payments are based on an estimated yearly usage. At the end of heating season, customer must pay for any outstanding balances. If a credit exists, customer has the option of carrying credit to next budget season or receiving a refund.


  • If one payment is missed, customer loses discount on future deliveries until payments are brought current.
  • If two payments are missed, deliveries are cancelled and budget account reverts back to a regular account with payments due at time of delivery.

Throughout winter, accounts will be monitored. If customer is using more or less than expected, remaining payments will be adjusted to avoid large bills at end of season or large credits.

The budget plan is designed to help the customer keep fuel bills steady and fuel tanks full. At any time during the year if customer decides to cancel budget plan, accounts must be satisfied within 30 days. If a credit is forthcoming, Biggs Fuel Company will process within 15 days of written request.

If you wish to be placed on Budget Plan, please click here and download to fill out, sign the agreement, and return in enclosed envelope as soon as possible. A budget packet will be sent to you upon receipt of signed agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

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100 East Cross Street PO Box 178 Galena, MD 21635

